Your spouse is NOT the enemy to financial unity…
We’ve all been tempted by the clever lies the Enemy whispers in our ears about our spouse…
"Why should I have to be the one to compromise?"
"Why can’t they understand what matters to me?"
"Why does it seem like my goals or dreams aren’t important to them?"
"I know they love me, but when it comes to finances I’m feeling unsure."
So when your spouse doesn’t understand your side, you’re already primed to feel angry, betrayed, or alone.
But what if you could bypass these lies with a simple question…
If we’re going to make a plan for our money...
"Shouldn’t it represent both of our dreams, goals, and desires?"
We believe it’s possible (and we’ve seen it happen for many of our students)...
Everyone deserves to be understood, heard, and to get some enjoyment from what they earn.
But too often our underlying judgments bring out our spouses greatest fears and shame – which ultimately leaves both sides feeling alone and misunderstood.
And yes, we’re speaking from experience ;-)
So how do I get on the same page with my spouse?
Hundreds of couples have asked us this exact question…
They feel stuck in an endless cycle that ends in hurt and even anger at either having to bury their needs or desires…
…or feel like they’re walking on eggshells anytime they want to buy anything!
For years, we were stuck in this discouraging dance
I (Bob) would spend hours setting up a pristine budget or trying out a new app.
And Linda would get frustrated, throwing her hands up, feeling like she couldn’t live up to my expectations.
The hard truth I didn’t realize was that no budgeting program or app will help if you can’t get on the same page with your spouse…
And I could have saved myself so many hours of frustration by first aligning my financial goals with Linda.
So… if you find yourself experiencing the literal definition of marital insanity, having the same money conversations over and over again with the same results…
I want to let you know–there is a better way!
One Week to Financial Unity With Your Spouse
Learn how to have simple, easy, and fun money conversations with your spouse.
We’ll show you how in 3 simple steps...
Enroll Today
Get instant access to our on-demand 'One Week to Financial Unity' course.
Set a Date
Pencil in a time to talk about your ‘financial vision’ and get on the same page with your spouse.
Invite us Over*
To guide you through a short, easy, and fun money conversation in just 7 short videos.
*Virtually, of course… allow time to discuss and don’t forget the ice cream!
Get Access to 7 Short, Simple, and Fun Guided Sessions When You Enroll Today...
Get past the ‘money conversation’ and see your marriage thrive!
If you don’t LOVE the workshop, I insist that you get 100% of your money back. I’ll even cover the credit card processing fees we incur.
We truly and sincerely only want students who are thrilled with the course, so I don’t care if it’s in 90 mins or 90 days from now – if you aren’t happy then I’m not happy.
For any reason whatsoever, if you don’t love it, just send an email to and we will refund 100% of your payment. No hoops to jump through – just send us an email.
Either You See More Financial Unity in the Next 7 Days... Or We'll Pay For Your Next Date!
We're confident that this approach will radically change your money conversations...
And if you go through all 7 days with zero improvement, we'll not only give your money back but pay for your next date* as well!
*A $30 Giftcard to a Restaurant of Your Choice